Excellent advisor! She is a great listener, asks the right questions, and has great empathy. And her voice is calm and makes you want to tell her everything. Thanks!
Genevieve Beach Babe Swimwear Model replied:Such kind words. I love when a man can be vulnerable with me and curious and is wanting to lear and know any and everything they possibly can. I think that's why I feel so kindred to you. XO

Super nice to talk to!
Genevieve Beach Babe Swimwear Model replied:I could listen to you for hours.. welp we can check that off the list. Happy to do it again anytime.

Could not be better. We clicked (I think) and she just nailed every single moment. Bravo
Genevieve Beach Babe Swimwear Model replied:Thank you for saying that. You're pretty fantastic too!! :x I hope to hear from you again soon.

Call was outstanding.
Genevieve Beach Babe Swimwear Model replied:You know you're my fav. Some times in the middle of the day. I hear your voice say your signature greeting. Sometimes when you call I say it along with you in my head. You're just so fun adorable and hilarious. Gosh I love hearing from you. <3