Ignore Line Sep Into My World
You don't exist. You're not worth my time and certainly not worth my valuable attention. I'm the alluring unattainable women you luckily happened upon while going about your day, but are too pathetic to approach and introduce your worthless self. Call and be ignored by a beautiful Goddess. Oh, so you want my attention? Then lavish me with tributes during your call. The more you tribute the closer I may get to considering the possibility of acknowledging your existence. If on rare occasions, only when I feel you have earned the right, I decide to check and see if you are still there don't fool yourself. You are still the pesky fly buzzing around in my world. Never forget your place. If you think you'll hear anything sexual, you are sadly mistaken. There is no way you will ever hear anything sexual. I only grant deserving friends such privileges. Now be an obedient little pest and send a sweet tribute, then call. Listen as I go about my life.