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Therapy by Kaye

Kink and Fetish Guidance

My goal is to guide and assist you to the best of my ability towards a healthier perspective in regard to your own sexuality. Whether that means helping you to reign in your fetish, control your urges, enhance or accelerate your sexual experience, or completely eradicate the negative thoughts that compel you, I'm here to help. You will not be lumped into some neatly categorized box with other clients that share the same fetish. Human sexuality is complex and diverse, and just as no two minds are completely alike, no two sexual identities are exactly the same, either. Your journey down the paths that have brought you to where you are now is as sacred and individual as you, yourself. I intend to honor that, and teach you to do the same, if necessary. Because I appreciate your individual path, I hope that you, in return, will appreciate and respect my process: 1. Please come mentally and financially prepared for a minimum session time of at least 30 minutes. I cannot understand where you're coming from without first knowing where you've been. These things take time. 2. Be open and honest. Do not hold back. Most often, the details that we wish to remain hidden are the most important. Don't deny yourself the benefit of absolute transparency. Your unique experiences, as well as your current circumstances, will help me determine how best to approach your needs. 3. Have realistic expectations. We may or may not be able to "help" you within the span of one session, but to go into the call believing that you will be magically transformed by the time we hang up isn't just unrealistic, it's insane. Again, these things take time. 4. My demeanor throughout the duration of our session will remain professional at all times. You may reach a state of arousal (and I'm more than willing to encourage your excitement!) but I will not masturbate or talk to you about my turn-ons, personal sex life, etc. This session is about you, not me. Please do not attempt to cross my boundaries. Thank you for your consideration.

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My Scorecard
Average Call Rating:4.86 out of 5
Answered Calls:100%
Answered Messages:90%
Favorited By:81 Members
Personality Score:9.47 out of 10
Most Common Call Reasons:No Data to Show at this time
A call with me is frequently described as:Accommodating, Enlightening & Emotional
Callers often describe me as:Caring, Aggressive & Clever
My Recent Reviews
Whoknows123 Profile Image

Kaye is one of those extremely articulate, no bull shit, providers --- her voice is practically liquid sex bottled up...while her authenticity literally jumps right out at you! I haven't always loved what she's said, however, she and I are really making progress and I deeply appreciate her time and effort --- she's 1 in a Billion!!

Taspen Profile Image

Received very poor attitude and no actual advise, just judgement on something that wasn't that shocking at all compared to what other people will have told her. I was very polite and genuine...and patient with her but to no avail. Very poor experience.

justaboy9221 Profile Image

Didn't feel fair to give ratings because the descriptions sound like I'm meant to rate based on sexual satisfaction, when that's not what I called for.

cherries2 Profile Image

Lovely call. Thanks for your understanding.

bw34d Profile Image

An amazing therapist with a very alluring voice. She always comforts me and helps me accept who I am.

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