Oooooooohhhhh fuuuucccckkkkk....Candy!!!!! can't do that to your unsuspecting, unprepared nasty Daddy.... There is hot, there is super sexy, and then therre is ....oh ..Candy's mouth in her little ...oh-so-achingly .....shit, I dont' have a word for what quality t hat is -- a quality related to sexy, but expoinentially more intense, so intense, in fact , that it is a quality that cannot trully be expressed in language, because t is only experienced physically, a collecction of bodily senseations that I've yet to parse (no pun intended, h aha) having just now recovered enough to attrempt to record this extraordiany phenomenon/
Daddys Candy replied:Daddy!!!! You are the best!!!!! Thank you so so so much for being so good to me xoxox I can't wait to play with you again soon xoxox